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About Snowy Owls

SNowy owls Term 4 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Term 4 Overview

This term, I will be trialling a new KS2 homework system that will move away from Atom Learning.

To provide more flexibility, I have created a 3x3 grid with nine different homework tasks that will allow the children to showcase what they have been learning while also expressing their creativity. By the end of the term, the children should have completed three pieces of homework of their choice from the grid. There will be no set days for this to be assigned or for them to present it to me; it is completely up to you! 


Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Thursday.

I will collect all reading records on Thursdays to stick new spellings in. These will be handed back to the children on Fridays.

PE and Forest School

PE: Our PE lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children must come into school wearing the appropriate PE kit

Forest School: Friday 28th February 2025, Friday 14th March 2025 & Friday 28th March 2025

Snowy Owls in action
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