PSHE and RSE (Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationship and Sex Education

We have chosen to teach PSHE and RSE through using a scheme called Jigsaw. It is now statutory to teach Relationships and Health Education. The school has chosen to continue to teach sex education.
This Jigsaw programme cradles and supports the PSHE development of children, meeting their needs and building knowledge and skills, It equips children with the skills they need to "mend" and grow, now and for the future. Jigsaw believes, as we do, that every child deserves to be included and valued.
The Jigsaw snapshot overview shows parents what is taught and when, in each year group. We have added the progression documents for parents-do have a look at the family questions.
What is covered in Relationships Education?
- Families and people who care for me, including the diversity of family groups
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
Parents are unable to withdraw for this part of the curriculum. We teach about diversity and about respectful relationships in our community. Here at our school EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
What is covered in Health Education?
- Mental wellbeing
- Internet safety and harms
- Physsical health and fitness
- Healthy eating
- Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
- Health and prevention
- Basic first aid
- Changing adolescent body
Parents are unable to withdraw for this part of the curriculum. Parents do have the right to withdraw children from sex education lessons but not lessons about puberty as this is covered through Health education which is statutory. The guidance attached shows parents what is taught when as does Appendix 4 of the draft PSHE/RSE policy.
Jigsaw at Home
As part of every Jigsaw lesson in every class there is a part of the lesson called 'Calm Me'. It helps children to feel relaxed and calm. I suggest parents have-a-go at this too. It is quite remarkable the impact this has!